
Differential and Progressive brakes for X-Plane (aka "D&P brakes") is a plugin that offers differential and progressive braking capabilities to X-Plane 11 & X-Plane 12 users.

It is natively recognized and supported by Reality Expansion Pack (REP) from SimCoders.

It recognizes and supports the following aircrafts:

  • Zibo 737-800

  • Toliss A319

  • Toliss A321

  • TOGA Simulations MU-2 Marquise


In X-Plane 10 there was the possibility to use two buttons to simulate left and right toe brakes. In X-Plane 11 these commands have been removed and X-Plane 11 & 12 tries to simulate the differential brake action in a not so efficient way. Purpose of this script is providing the user custom commands similiar to those available in X-Plane 10.

What do you mean when you say "X-Plane 11+ tries to simulate the differential brake action"?

Whenever you use the rudder, X-Plane 11+ applies a braking force on the related (left or right) tire. I've observed that:

  • This seems to happen below 50 kts

  • The force applied is almost 100% at very low speed and tends to be much less at speeds near 50 kts

This means that:

  • You will have problems trying to taxi since the plane will be prone to stop.

  • You will have problems during the takeoff roll below 50kts because a braking force will be applied even if not requested

You can observe this behaviour using the dataref editor.

  • Choose the "Show Datarefs" option from the plugin menu

  • Watch what happens to the following datarefs:

    • sim/cockpit2/controls/left_brake_ratio

    • sim/cockpit2/controls/right_brake_ratio

Last updated